
Showing posts from February, 2012


"What is it, tell me why are you so dull?" he asked. She, with a very low voice, "Nothing, everything is fine." He reasoned, "Then why are you acting so weird. You are strolling alone in the garden leaving back your mobile as if there is none to care for you. It has been only three days since you have been left alone for some time. Friday I thought you will come back from the office and would be tired so i left with my friend. Saturday since we were going for rock climbing which obviously you couldn't do so we left you and today also you were so tired from the household work that i didn't think of bothering. I accept that these three days I have not even talked to you but there were reasons." She had always been a tough lady. After her childhood she had hardly shed any tears whatever might have been the situation. But today the shell across her soft heart was being tested. It couldn't bear the pressure and broke away which resulted in tears tri


He was a guy who was least interested in his praises. Any words remotely related to his boasting discomforted him. His mother as every mother in this world was very proud of him. And in this pride they tend to hurt someone's ego. He had encountered one instance before. His mother in law in the excitement of praising her daughter had unintentionally made indications that his life would be very smooth because of her daughter and he need not care much. But this directly hit his ego as if he was not capable of making his life comfortable on his own. He and his mother were on a long journey on train. In conversation to the fellow passengers his mother was telling about him, "He usually travels by air but this time he couldn't get ticket on time so he is having to travel by train." She was telling a mere fact but she didn't notice that the fellow passengers were hurt. He noticed it. First he indicated through his eyes. Then he told her, "How many time have I told y


He came out of the bathroom and dressed up in his non ironed clothes. She told him, "Please wear the ironed clothes.". To which he resisted as usual. She insisted, "You wear something else or give it to me, I'll iron them out.". Without any reason he started screaming and went back to his old nonsense reasons complaining, "Can't I even wear clothes of my choice". She kept on smiling like an innocent lamb. Then she came forward and tried to open the shirt herself, he pushed her aside tore his shirt which was bought by his brother for his marriage and threw it. He said with anger, "Happy Now." She with tear drops floating in her eyes as dew drops: What mountain did I ask you to climb? I had simply asked you to wear ironed clothes as you are going to be in interview panel. He: Love Dammit, love. Love is the thing every wife asks from her husband through all these small favors and that i'm incapable of giving you however hard I might try.